BRIT POLITICS, Study, Learn,  Create, Inspire

The Britpolitics Treasury

You want your amazing essay packed full of great case studies, facts and speech extracts… You want your flashcards packed full of killer quotes… You want to know the best revision techniques to crush that exam…

How do I know this? Because I studied the great subjects of politics and history for ten years, I know how annoying it can be searching around for the stuff you need so I’ve created The Britpolitics Treasury. All the extras in one place. Enjoy!

Study and Learn

Quote Finder

Hundreds of referenced quotes from major figures in British history and politics to add to your essays, dissertation, revision notes, flashcards and exam prep

Fact Sheets

Fact Sheets

No more searching. We've got dozens of fact sheets on major events and people in British politics and history.



Famous speeches in full linked to audio and YouTube versions. Simply copy, paste and use in your papers, essays and revision notes.

Case studies

Case Studies

Give your essays a boost with our bank of politics and history case studies. Just find your subject from our easy directory and download. That's it!



COMING SOON - Our Treasury Shop

Study Templates

COMING SOON - We're working on great templates to help your studies and exam revision.

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