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GCSE History Study Resource – AQA Exam Board

Are you studying a GCSE History course from the AQA Exam Board? If you are then below you’ll find all the links to our resources to help you learn, study and pass those exams!!!

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AQA GCSE History - Paper 1: Understanding the Modern World

Component/TitleOur PagesFurther SupportWider Resources
BA Conflict and tension: The First World War 1894-1918The Road to WarIrish Home RuleThe Battle of Battle of the Somme - Quick history facts in under 3 minutes (video)
Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
The Alliance System
The War Years 1914-18
The Battle of Gallipoli
The Battle of Jutland
The Battle of Marne
The Battle of the Somme
The Battle of Passchendaele
Did the Labour Party support the First World War?
What Impact did the First World War have on the UK Labour Party?
BB Conflict and tension: the inter-war years, 1918–1939President Wilson's Fourteen PointsThe Second World War (Homepage)The Battle of Battle of Britain - Quick history facts in under 3 minutes (video)
The Treaty of Versailles
BD Conflict and tension in Asia, 1950–1975Britain and The Korean War
BE Conflict and tension in the Gulf and Afghanistan, 1990–2009The Gulf War 1990
Britain in Afghanistan (Quick overview)
The Iraq War 2003Robin Cook – Resignation Speech over Iraq War 2003PM Tony Blair advocating War with Iraq

AQA GCSE History - Paper 2: Shaping the Nation

Component/TitleOur PagesFurther SupportWider Resources
Section A Thematic Studies - AA Britain: Health and the people c1000 to present dayCOMING SOON
Section A Thematic Studies- AB Britain: Power and the People c1170 to present day King JohnHistorical Parliamentary Timeline
The Magna CartaThe History of Parliament
King Henry III
Henry VIII Factfile
Section A Thematic Studies - AC Britain: Migration, empires and the people; c790 to present day
Section B: British Depth Studies. BA Norman England c1066-c1100Kings and Queens – Historical Timeline by Dynasty
The Battle of Hastings – 14 October 1066The Battle of Hastings - Quick history facts in under 3 minutes
Section B: British Depth Studies- BB Medieval England; the reign of Edward I, 1272-1307King Henry III Profile and Legacy
Section B: British Depth Studies - Elizabethan England c1568-1603Elizabeth I FactfileThe Legacy of Mary IWilliam Shakespeare - Elizabethan England
Mary Queen of Scots Timeline
Mary Queen of Scots Facfile
The Spanish Armada - Elizabeth I SpeechThe Battle of Gravelines - Quick history facts in under 3 minutes (video)
Section B: British Depth Studies- BD Restoration England, 1660-1685
The Decline of the Monarchy & Rise of Parliament
England as a RepublicOliver Cromwell Profile